The unique process

The sundried figs of Kymi, is a quality product, one of the first to be certified with a PDO brand by the European Union, not only due to the unique geographical zone of the trees, but also the unique process followed when drying the figs.

We carefully collect the ripe figs by hand, and only if they have attained full ripeness. This takes place around the end of August, and we sometimes follow this process more than twice a day.

Strictly following the ancient tradition, we cut the tiny stalk with a scissor and then tear the figs in halves! That way we make sure that they are clean inside.

Once openhearted, we place them under the sun so that they slowly dry and absorb all the beams of the Mediterranean light.

When they are fully sundried, we unite two same-sized figs by pressing them together.

That way we create the “ASKADA” fig, which in the local dialect means “the final shape of two sundried figs opened and pressed together, thus becoming one.